Nail Diseases
Monday, May 9, 2011
Red Nails
The normal color of the nail bed is light red or pink. There are some pathologic processes where a portion of the nail unit is red. Red spot...
Blue Nails
Blue nails can result from medications such as minocycline (Figure 67), antimalarials, phenothalein, bleomycin, and phenothiazines. Wilson’s...
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Yellow Nail Syndrome
In the yellow nail syndrome, the nail changes are characterized by yellow, slow-growing nails with absent lunula and cuticle (Figure 65). Ye...
Longitudinal Grooves
Longitudinal depressions can occur in the nail as a result of a space-occupying lesion in the nail fold overlying the nail matrix. The mass ...
Leukonychia is the name given to white nails. The condition can be congenital or acquired, complete or partial, and true or apparent. Puncta...
Koilonychia occurs when the free edge of the nail is everted, resulting in a concave ‘spoon nail’. There are many causes of koilonychia rang...
Habit Tic Deformity
Habit tic deformity has the appearance of parallel horizontal grooves in the nail plate, as the result of repetitive minor trauma to the pro...
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